Shot 196:  BURNING OUT


— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership.  It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all.  You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at

     I AM A FIREARM.  So, from time to time, I get to thinking about fire, and, thus, burning.  We had fires on the farm.  I saw grain fields afire, and, another time, the Quonset building.  Not good!  Well, all my thinking took me to burnout.  I have concluded you can’t burnout if you’re not burning.  What do YOU think of that?
     As a leader, you likely have had employees who wanted better work-life balance and may have said they were burned out, and you thought, “How could you be out of balance; you don’t do enough to be burned out.”  To be burned out one has to have been burning.  Otherwise, it’s just “out.”  I hear you saying, “Yay, preach it, brother.”  Get ready:  What about you…the leader?  Are you on fire for a cause?  Working with passion?  Setting the example?  Tapping both creativity and industry?  (And more.)  I don’t recommend burn out, but I do recommend burning.