Shot 248: OORAH!

Shot 248:  OORAH!

Shot 248: OORAH!

— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership.  It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all.  You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at 

     A BATTLE CRY by the Marines.  It is also an expression of enthusiasm.  I wasn’t the military type.  My buddy, a .3006, was.  But I know the value of enthusiasm.  Comparatively, enthused hunters bring home more game and enthused range shooters win more contests.
     Nobody wants to work for a crouch.  Fire up.  In other words, light a fire under yourself.  You want to lead, then show some oomph—a lot of oomph.  If you lack energy, how do you expect others to have it?  Eat well, get restorative rest, exercise, bring excitement for your work, pursue problems with passion, challenge challenges, and so on.  In short, be the example.  You’re in a battle; shout “oorah” with your behavior.