— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu above. —
GET GRIT AND GET AFTER IT. One of Tommy’s favorite quotes was one he attributed to Cicero: “Lacking intellect, I turned to industry.” Now, for sure, the famous Roman senator stateman Cicero was abundantly smart, and for him to say that working hard was key is to say a lot.
You see, leaders, to be gifted with, say smarts, is not necessarily the difference. It’s the “get er done” mentality that often wins the day. Success often goes to those who dig in, find a way, and push themselves no matter what it takes. Of course, look for talent, but also look for results. Behind them, I’ll bet that you will discover determination that drives behavior. So, go too for grit.