Shot 269:  AIMBITION


— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership.  It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all.  You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at 

     YEAH, I MEANT AIMBITION.  Okay!  Okay!  I made up a word.  As a rifle I like to aim.   Moreover, this new word conveys my meaning:  Only with an objective does hard work matter.  You have to aim right and apply effort (bition) to hit a mark.  Get it:  Aimbition.
     In the past, we shot for objectives for others—they bring value.  Now, let’s set our sights on you, the leader:  Get a goal for yourself (personal or professional).  Without a goal for yourself, you run the risk of never pushing yourself to new levels and/or never landing where you truly want to go.  Think about your future.  What do you see as possible for yourself, what do you want to accomplish, or what will give you a sense of success?  To establish your aim, consider your talents and passions (not one of these without the other), consider where you have in-roads, and consider your options.  Then form a plan and go for it—the second, half of “aimbition.”  You will perform better having taken aim.