— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at www.tomnewhouse.com. —
IT WILL KILL YOU. I almost died to resentment myself. Rudy had me and a .30-06 (read “30-ought-6”—its caliber and military use in 1906). I resented him taking the .30-06 for hunting big game. I know it was dumb because that rifle was better equipped for such hunts. But still I was bitter. I just wanted the attention. Silly me.
A leader has to let things go. Within the throes of leading there will be ample fodder for resentment. But to feed it and to let it fester, will serve up only rot. Leaders transcend personal offenses. They don’t wallow in them; they don’t dwell on comparative weaknesses, singularly selected. That would be silly, and good leaders are above that.