— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu above. —
TIME CAME WHEN Rudy decided to pass along his rifle, me. I had strong feelings about that. Rudy too, although his were mixed. Still, his time as an active hunter was waning. He wished to leave a legacy. Now, if he could pass on his skills as well as his rifle, he would influence the future. Cool, huh?
Pass on your skills to leave a true legacy. Some only go for memory, but it will fade like a day with the setting of the sun, and with a new dawn, to be forgotten. But if others gain your skills, then your life lives on through them. You are more than a fading memory. To really make your mark, develop future generations of leaders. Develop. Get it: Develop. Teach, give them a go, and then provide feedback. (Repeat as necessary.) You will be developing your legacy.