Secret 4 of 10—PLAN

Secret 4 of 10—PLAN

Secret 4 of 10—PLAN

— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership.  It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all.  You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at

     YOU HAVE HEARD IT SAID:  Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.  That certainly fits the world of hunting.  I have seen too many “hunters” discover in the field that they were missing something or were pursuing fruitless territory.  I have also seen hunters jump from one idea to another.  Spontaneity is not planning.
     Leaders without plans are nonexistent.  Well, almost.  You see, leadership by its very nature is leading followers to something.  It follows that one should have a plan to get there.  But many so-called leaders don’t have one.  Get this:  The plan does not have to be perfect.  People will follow you over a whole assortment of obstacles if they believe the plan will eventually get them to the goal.  Now, better plans are better, of course.  But until you have one, you can’t find a better one.  Get a plan and get crackin.