–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–
MAYBE, IT COMES SECOND. First, might be joy. Perhaps one can only be courageous if content (joyful). But we rifles are more into courage. First or second, it’s important and precedent.
Leaders, think about it: Courage comes before nearly all other virtues. Try discipline—it takes courage to do things right time after time. How about honesty—again, one can’t be honest if one is only that way when it’s easy. Pick a virtue. Say trustworthiness. Try that, consistently, without courage. Say humility. Does it take courage to be humble? Not if you have nothing to boast about. But as leaders you do, and holding back requires courage. By the way, Jim Collins in his book Good to Great identified two characteristics of Level 5 leaders: humility and courage. The latter is foundational.