— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu above. —
DID I SAY SURVIVAL TRAINING? Nope. Thrival. Some rifles get involved in survival training. If I had my way, we’d be engaged in thirval training. Oh, yes, I made up that word, but think about it….
A survival mentality can drag a leader down, down, down. It’s tough struggling every day to just make it. Creativity wanes. And meaning is reduced to getting by. Even if you get out of survival mode, you run the danger of having a scarcity mentality—hoard, worry, withdraw, save, cut. Thriving yields an abundance mentality—share, joy, promote, invest, expand. In what aspects of your leadership can you thrive? In your business? In your department? In your goals? In your meetings? Etc. Etc. Thriving enlivens you and others around you. Practice thriving. You know: thrival training.