Shot 293: RIGIDITY

Shot 293:  RIGIDITY

Shot 293: RIGIDITY

–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–

      PROVISIONALISM!  That’s a word I wish more marksmen understood and acted out.  It means to provide for other viewpoints.  In other words, it is an attitude put to action.  Many a poor marksman would not have been so poor if they would have been provisional. 
      To provide for others’ points of view is a trait seldom practiced in our rigid world.  Oh, to be right, and then fight for it.  But get this:  Leaders who value diversity and differences tend to be more effective than those who are dogmatic and closed to other views.  There is value in seeing things from multiple angles, and there is value in embracing different ways of thinking and doing things.  Are there limits?  Of course.  Often a leader has developed a system or process that generates success, but within that, openness leads to continued success.