Shot 291: COACH ME

Shot 291:  COACH ME

Shot 291: COACH ME

–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–

    I NEEDED COACHING!  As a rifle on the farm, I seldom succeeded without my marksman taking an interest in my special abilities and making them emerge in new circumstances.

     Get this:  Leaders who are highly effective coaches have four times as many employees willing to go the extra mile as do ineffective coaching leaders.  That’s the research reported by Zenger Folkman.  So, how does one go about coaching effectively?  Well, start with a good foundation:  Listening and asking good questions.   That combination produces a “trampoline” whereby one is propelled higher than one would otherwise jump.  Actually, employees want to be coached if it’s done gently.  They want to be engaged, to have success in meaningful roles.  They say, “coach me.”