Shot 289: Moon Hunting

Shot 289:  Moon Hunting

Shot 289: Moon Hunting

–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–

      Varmints come out at night, but you can’t see them…usually.  Duh, it’s dark at night…usually.  Exceptions are nights with a full moon, such as the Strawberry Moon or a Blue Moon.  Then it’s light enough to cast shadows, provided it’s not cloudy. 

     Leaders who only cast vague visions apparently expect their followers to be moon hunters.  They have vision, but it’s not good, and it’s unpredictable.  If only they could see well all the time.  They might pull off some remarkable feats.  Without visions leaders fail because their people fail.   So, what does a good vision do?  It pulls people in and makes them want to act and take on challenges.    Good visions are not obscure; they are clear and inspirational.