–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–
HOW FAR CAN I GO? Actually, as a rifle, I don’t go far, but my bullets do, especially with long-rifle rounds. Still, compared to my buddy the .30-06 (remember, that reads as thirty-aught-six), I have limited range.
Leaders, capable as you may be, you too have limited range. Besides, you are the leader, which means you delegate. You should delegate well. Here’s how: (1) State the objective and how it supports the mission; (2) ask the other to paraphrase the objective; (3) listen and clarify any misunderstanding; (4) discuss and agree on a general action plan; (5) agree on measures of success; and (6) set a time for the first follow-up discussion. In sum, cover objective, action plan, measures, and follow up.