— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at www.tomnewhouse.com.
SHOOT HIM ON SIGHT! (or, her). So goes the command when hunting one who is regarded as a treacherous villain. Don’t take any chances. He (or, she) may get the upper hand.
Do you (or, your employees/followers) regard their jobs this way? The answer is “yes.” We all regard our jobs this way. Stay with me now. Parts of our work for all of us are jobs. But overall your work can be more than a job; it can be a career, or a calling. Jobs just pay the bills; there is no attachment. Careers are stepping stones to higher levels. A calling captivates. It fulfills. Society’s perception of roles does not determine the status of one’s work; the worker does. One can find fulfillment in any line of work and, thereby, find a calling. The better question is, What in your (or, others’) job(s) calls you (them)?