Shot 191:  ENDING WELL


— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership.  It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all.  You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at 

     AAH, TO END WELL.  That usually means to start well.  You could say all’s well that starts well.  We rifles know:  Aim badly and a bad shot results; plan poorly and problems prevail.   That’s being negative.  Try positive:  Aim well for a good shot.  Plan well, and…poof—proof positive. 
     Here’s a shocker:  If you are off to a bad start, start over.  You won’t lead well if you are furtively trying to make something good come out of a bad thing.  Leaders—not the good ones—try to always look good and not admit mistakes.  But wait.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Hopefully, as a leader you make fewer mistakes than others, but you will make some.  Name the demon—the error.  Start again.  Tell people you thought you had a good plan, but it has proven to be wayward.  (They likely figured that out already.)  Own it, and strike out anew.  Lead.