— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at www.tomnewhouse.com. —
WHAT MAKES FOR A GREAT SHOT—accurate shot, that is? A well-crafted rifle (that’s me); steady marksman (that was Rudy, in my case); and, getting a little finite, practice with sights, a steady hand, rhythmic breathing, dependable ammunition, confidence, and more—so much more. It’s complex, but if you want to master a great shot, all these make a difference.
Leadership, too, is complex. Don’t expect an easy answer. Oh, I might talk about an important ingredient, but keep in mind that full leadership success involves many complementary ingredients. Research shows that a combination of competencies is the key to being highly effective as a leader. So, for sure, address each factor, but recognize that greatness lies in mastering the complexity.