— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at www.tomnewhouse.com. —
…PERFECT. Well, almost. With Rudy, I practiced a lot at being a sure shot. Now, I don’t mean we just did something over and over. No. We practiced techniques that we were convinced would lead to improvement, and we checked our targets to assess our progress and to make subtle adjustments in our performance. We got good—outstanding. To others we were perfect.
That kind of practice can make you a good leader. What kind? Find good techniques for competencies that matter. Apply them with consistency. Check your targets (often your followers), and determine how you are coming across. (Ask them.) Is it as intended? Adjust your approach. Check some more. Keep at it. In time, you will stand out, because you practiced. Actually, no; it was because you practiced well.