— To follow is a bullet of wisdom on leadership. It comes from Tom’s rifle, named Shot, who has seen it all. You’ll get the drift by clicking Blog in the menu at www.tomnewhouse.com. —
“EASY DOES IT,” was one of Rudy’s favorite sayings. Usually he spoke it with regard to handling animals or machinery. The idea was, go easy-like, gentle to settle animals or keep machinery from breaking. But Rudy was that way with people too. “Easy does it.” He had a lot of friends. A connection, you wonder?
Yes, being at ease with others is key to relationship building. It’s also a key to productivity. Are you questioning that? You should be, because our society says move fast, be quick, ack with urgency. But society can be wrong. Test it: When do you do your best thinking? When pressed and pressured? Or, is it when you have time to ponder? Do you develop relationships amidst a rush? Or, is it over time, comfortable time? So, leaders, consider listening: Are you really listening when hurrying? Of course, not. Easy does it.