–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–
I AM A “TOTAL ‘A.’” Yep, I am an amoral atheist. “A” is a prefix often meaning “without.” As a rifle, I am without morals and without religion. I do what I am told. In that, I am not atypical…for a rifle.
Have you ever had a leader that was a “total ‘A’”? Have you had one that was without morals—good or bad? Or, one that was without values? Many leaders operate thusly, and they hope it is “amaterial”—does not matter. Does it? Who follows such a person? Should an organization do whatever it wants to meet its objectives? Say, lie, steal, take advantage of people, of the earth, of the environment? Leaders impact all this. They command (perhaps, sadly) even if Total A’s.
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