–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–
THAT’S SOMETHING ONLY WE RIFLES CAN DO. Ha. But standing around is a specialty of way too many (call them) workers. I swear there are people who work harder at not working than if they would if they were to actually work. And, if you will allow me to go on, why is it these same (non) workers, get so fired up after work?
Fire the ….! Well, (very) few leaders develop followers by firing them. Indeed, some leaders recognize that the same ones who drag their feet on the job have plenty of get-up-and-go after the five-o’clock bell rings. These leaders recognize they have a motivation issue. They ask themselves, how can I motivate these people? Here some things to try: Draw out meaning in what they do (at Houston’s Space Center even the janitors fly astronauts); make the work fun (this is cool); make the work competitive (e.g., rodeos); make the work special (not everyone can do this); make the work a team effort (group belonging); appeal to a larger identity (your dad would be all in); and set stretch goals and sub-goals (successive wins). To be sure, leaders may not succeed, but fear tactics are seldom the answer.