–Below is a leadership bullet from Tom’s rifle named Shot–
RUDY ENCOUNTERED A BULL. The Brown Swiss came at him, snorting, but Rudy did not shy or run. He stood there. When the bull was upon him, Rudy grabbed the ring in the bull’s nose. Then, the otherwise raging beast became compliant, in pain, and under Rudy’s command. I could have shot the bull, but as a mere .22 caliber, I only would have made the bull angrier. Besides I would not have seen this mighty act of courage. Rudy might not have been able to reach the ring before being crushed, he might have reached but missed, or he might have tried unwittingly to wrestle with the beast. Then he would have dreadfully failed, and we would not today talk of his courage.
It was just a farm, but Rudy led the whole operation. Are there lessons here for other leaders? I will give some, but you may have more yourself. One, face your problems. Two, anticipate problems, and insert a ring in them early before they raise their ugly heads. Three, don’t make problems worse than they already are. Four, take some risks—calculated ones. Five, grab the bull by the nose, subdue the problems. Six, act courageously; it will be remembered.
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